ImpactLicensingInitiativeA Strategic Tool for Harnessing Technology and Data to Address Societal Challenges in Europe
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About ILI

Impact licensing is an innovative licensing practice consisting of reusing and re-purposing intellectual assets for the benefit of society without compromising the already existing economic returns. It creates incentives for technology holders to explore new markets and to access more real-world data on technology performance and indicators than those available in the existing markets.

Under the coordination of the Impact Licensing Initiative, the EU-funded ILI project aims to develop a toolkit of six instruments and two training modules as well as a network of intermediaries to introduce and accelerate the implementation of impact licensing in Europe. This will address the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, guarantee Europe’s access to data as well as technology in times of crisis, and drive innovation and market exploration.

About us

Updates from the Team

Impact Licensing Initiative Presents at UN Technol…

On 31 January, the Impact Licensing Initiative (ILI) was honoured to present the impact licensing model at the Governing Council of the UN Technology...

Help Shape the Future of Socially Responsible Lice…

The European Commission is conducting a survey to gather insights on Socially Responsible Licensing (SRL) practices in Knowledge and Technology Transf...

Annual Stakeholder Event Highlights: Unlocking the…

The Annual Stakeholder Event in Brussels, co-organised by the Impact Licensing Initiative (ILI) and the European IP Helpdesk, brought together key...

Just Released: Whitepaper on “Impact Licensing as …

On 23 January 2025, during the European IP Helpdesk Annual Stakeholder Event in Brussels, Impact Licensing Initiative launched its taskforce whitepape...

Impact Licensing Initiative Featured at EU-13 Road…

Impact Licensing Initiative (ILI) recently took part in the EU-13 Roadshow events organised in Brno and Novi Sad, as part of the EU’s strategic effort...

Highlights From the WAITRO Summit 2024: Impact Lic…

The World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations (WAITRO) invited Johan Moyersoen, the Coordinator of the Impact Licensi...

New EU Research Project “Impact Licensing Initiati…

Brussels, Belgium - 10 October 2024 The Impact Licensing Initiative (ILI) is dedicated to leveraging technology and data to address global challenge...
Photo of Johan Moyersoen
Johan Moyersoen
General Manager
Impact Licensing Initiative

Impact licensing not only addresses urgent needs but also offers significant incentives for technology holders. These include opportunities for market exploration, reverse (frugal) innovation, and access to real-world data on technology performance and impact indicators

Photo of Frank Tietze
Frank Tietze
Head of Innovation and Intellectual Property Management (IIPM) Laboratory
University of Cambridge

We are very excited to be part of this new EU Horizon funded project, which sets out to research and promote a more societally compatible licensing framework for technologies. The Impact Licensing Initiative project is at least partly a continuation of our work from the IPACST project, our POINT study for the European Commission and what we did during the pandemic, such as on open patent pledges.

Photo of Ivana Vuka
Ivana Vuka
Senior Innovation Manager

We are particularly eager to contribute to the creation of a leading reference organisation for impact licensing in Europe to guarantee a long-term impact of this initiative.

Photo of Cemresu Yücebalkan
Cemresu Yücebalkan
Project Manager

Impact Licensing is a rather new conceptional approach to bring validated technologies into societal markets. We are excited to team up with the most recognised experts in the field to set up an economically viable and scalable model for impact licensing in Europe

Project Facts

Duration36 month
Funding2 Million €
5 Partners
5 PartnersFrom 4 Countries