ImpactLicensingInitiativeA Strategic Tool for Harnessing Technology and Data to Address Societal Challenges in Europe
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Innovation and Intellectual Property Laboratory, University of Cambridge

The Innovation and Intellectual Property (IIPM) Laboratory is part of Centre for Technology Management (CTM) at the University of Cambridge. The IIPM lab adopts an engineering management (firm level) and relational perspective on IP within distributed and collaborative (open) innovation processes and systems for emerging (manufacturing) technologies. The IIPM lab has developed a set of tools for the strategic management of IP and licensing. Examples include tools for developing IP strategies or a visual tool to map dynamics of industrial ecosystems and identify IP related risks and uncertainties. Most notably, IIPM has been pioneering research on the use of IP (incl. licensing) for accelerating sustainability transitions in the 4-year, international and transdisciplinary IPACST project. IIPM has also been involved in thought-leading IP research during the pandemic, such as about the role of patent pledges (licensing models equivalent to open-source models).

Role within ILI

Drawing on outstanding experience in analytical IP & Innovation studies, IIPM will lead activities to analyse the state-of-the-art and innovation ecosystem of impact licensing including further needs assessment of key stakeholders. Moreover, as a part of CTM, IIPM will contribute to development of the integrated toolkit. IIPM also cooperates closely with IfM Engage, a company fully-owned by the University of Cambridge. Leveraging its extensive expertise in designing high-quality training courses, including interactive elements like simulations and gaming, IfM Engage will play a key role in shaping the training modules within the project.

Logo of Innovation and Intellectual Property Laboratory, University of Cambridge

Main contacts

Photo of Professor Frank Tietze
Professor Frank Tietze
Head of IIPM Laboratory - University of Cambridge
Photo of Dr. Soujanya Mantravadi
Dr. Soujanya Mantravadi
Research Associate - University of Cambridge